Suicide Prevention

Suicide Awareness: Crisis Preparation


Nobody wants to think about the probability of a crisis, but they do occur. That doesn’t mean you need to feel powerless. Many healthcare providers ask patients to curate a crisis plan and suggest that it be shared with trusted family and friends. Trauma Treatment in Rapid City, South Dakota is also a holistic preventive approach.

Talk to your loved ones about their options.

If your loved one refuses to work with you on a plan, you can make one on your own. Be sure to include the following information:

  • Phone numbers of your loved one’s therapist, psychiatrist, and other healthcare or trauma therapy providers

  • Local crisis line number (you can usually find this by contacting your NAMI Affiliate, or by doing an internet search for “mental health crisis services” and the name of your county)

  • Addresses of walk-in crisis centers or emergency rooms

  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

  • Previous psychosis or suicide attempts, history of drug use, and common triggers

Go over the plan with your loved one, and if he is comfortable doing so, with his doctor. Keep copies in several places.

Black Hills Center For Healing and Advancement of Psychotherapy provides patients with various approaches to healing through trauma treatments and EDMR in South Dakota. Contact us here for more information.